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Stevens Amendment


The Upper Shore Workforce Investment Board’s programs and project initiatives are supported by the U.S. Department of Labor. A total of $2,839,038, or 82 percent, of funding is through Federal funding and $634,166, or 18 percent, is funded through state and local sources.


P.O. Box 8, Wye Mills, MD 21679

(410) 822-1716

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The Upper Shore Workforce Investment Board provides equal opportunity to all programs and projects. 


Stevens Amendment: The Upper Shore Workforce Investment Board’s programs and project initiatives are supported by the U.S. Department of Labor. A total of $2,839,038, or 82 percent, of funding is through Federal funding and $634,166, or 18 percent, is funded through state and local sources.

Copyright  © Upper Shore Workforce Investment Board. All rights reserved.

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