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WIOA One-Stop Employment & Training Network Partner Information

Upper Shore Job Centers Website


Division of Workforce Development & Adult Learning (DWDAL)

DWDAL American Job Center staff assist job seekers and businesses through a job matching system, Maryland Workforce Exchange. Looking for a job? Post your resume and search for the perfect career!


Division of Rehabilitative Services (DORS)

If you perceive you have a disability that may present a barrier to employment, this workforce partner will be of value in your job search.


Adult Education & Family Literacy (AEFL)

This workforce partner can assist with GED prep for a Maryland high school diploma, English language classes, and the National External Diploma Program (NEPD). GED prep and and English language courses are free. There is a $15 fee for the National External Diploma Program, which is an alternate way to earn your high school diploma. View class information and schedules here. 


Department of Social Services (DSS)

This workforce partner will benefit those who need to eliminate barriers to employment. Those beginning their job search may be eligible for temporary assistance, child care, transportation, and other assistance.



Job Services Referral Sheets


Business Services

Caroline County

Dorchester County

Kent County

Queen Anne's County

Talbot County



P.O. Box 8, Wye Mills, MD 21679

(410) 822-1716

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The Upper Shore Workforce Investment Board provides equal opportunity to all programs and projects. 


Stevens Amendment: The Upper Shore Workforce Investment Board’s programs and project initiatives are supported by the U.S. Department of Labor. A total of $2,839,038, or 82 percent, of funding is through Federal funding and $634,166, or 18 percent, is funded through state and local sources.

Copyright  © Upper Shore Workforce Investment Board. All rights reserved.

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